Double-Digit Level-Up
I’m beginning to think that this weblog is shifting too much towards dancing games instead of a “slice of Kevin’s life.” Oh well, time will tell. Once again, there’s another ITG2 progress post for clicking “Read more »”
In other news, I’m heading back for Thanksgiving soon; even though the dorm life at Penn State is nice, I definitely need a break from the work before the short dash towards final exams. Coming home to my parents and sister again will be pleasing indeed. Thank you, God, for this time off so that I can go see my family, church, pastor, and friends again…
After an E MCH 11 exam last night, I headed to the HUB-Robeson Student Center for some more time on the machine; this time, I focused more on passing harder songs, rather than scoring better on easier charts like last time. It paid off! Remember this post just a few weeks ago?
Next goals: get better than a C+ for this song [“This is Rock & Roll,” 9-footer], and pass “D-Code” on Expert (because it sounds great and has equally-good steps).
The “better than a C+” was eclipsed in my previous entry; the “pass ‘D-Code’ on Expert” was more than just a pass last night! Unfortunately, due to a decent number of proficient PSU ITG players (especially Jason Gilleece and his friends – they’re amazing panel dancers), the following is not a machine record-holder. Oh well, it’s a 10-footer – a first.