“Don’t use Google.”

That’s what a good number of teachers said when I went to E.N. Peirce Middle School. They told us students to use HotBot, AltaVista, and hey, even Ask Jeeves. They told us that Google wasn’t comprehensive enough, and doesn’t provide in-depth search results. Well let me tell you now, times have certainly changed.

See, yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of Google as a company, and to commemorate that, they’ve brought back their most complete archive of ‘Net-ancient search results: from January 2001! Slashdot.org has posted a nice article (here), as well as TheStandard.com (here), about this event. And thus, I found it wildly amusing to look for some of this site’s frequently-mentioned terms. Don’t forget to check out the linked Internet Archive results too!

Google (Google.net wasn’t a registered TLD?)
Gas prices
Halo: Combat Evolved and the Xbox
Abuse +”Crack dot Com” (I miss CdC’s and Abuse2.com‘s existence. Here’s to you, Dave Taylor and Jonathan Clark!)
Wikipedia and Encyclopaedia Britannica
YouTube.com and Animusic
Metal Gear Solid and Zone of the Enders
Roflcopter, lolcats, O RLY, YAH RLY, and I herd you leik Mudkips (aren’t you glad that 4chan didn’t exist back then? I sure am…)
Facebook, MySpace, and Xanga
Pentium processor and AMD processor
Apple Computer
In the Groove +Roxor -DDR
deviantART.com and mecha drawing
Full Metal Panic!
Mecha cosplay

On a quieter, more-serious note: what continues to reinforce me as a Christ-follower is that the Lord and His Word has, is, and will forever be unchanging – an incredible thing in the light of this dynamic, sin-ridden world. Can you believe that events like September 11th and the upcoming election with frontliners Obama and McCain weren’t even thought of seven years ago? True, 9/11 was predicted, but could it have been forecasted perfectly? Of course not. This is why I am thankful for a loving, all-powerful God who knows the future and gives us strength to overcome the past. Let’s keep running this race for the sake of Jesus Christ, not in vain for our own motives:

Hebrews 12:1-3 (NIV)

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

So yeah, about the relative beginning of my Junior year at Penn State (and other related events): I’ll have to write more in a future post (pun intended). Until next time, keep following – if not looking for – Christ as your guide, and use the real Google.com as your primary Internet search engine!

Of course, for people before my time…there’s always 1960’s Google. :P


  1. Tony Lin, October 3, 2008, 16:26:25 PM EST

    Great comparison showing the never-changing words of God vs .the ever-changing world.

  2. TNH, January 29, 2009, 18:29:31 PM EST

    too comprehensive.


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