Archive for the 'Halo' Category

Six Years of Bungie Gold

Today marks the 6th anniversary of the killer-app which literally sold the Xbox. Yes, we all know it as Halo: Combat Evolved. Congratulations, Bungie; your original game is still a winner for me. Just one more year until the ubiquitous se7en comes around…

Good thing it’s also the front-page article of Wikipedia according to

More ITG2 Progress

Short and simple for a Saturday-Sunday writeup; ignore this post if you’re not interested in viewing my level-ups with panel dance games.

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Halo 1 Time Warp

Today’s episode of “Another Halo Comic Strip,” hosted on, made me laugh a little more on the inside than usual. Not that AHCS is humorless or anything (ZZoMBiE13 has made some amazing and hilarious works since he joined HBO in 2003), but this one brings back memories of former enemies from the original Halo: Combat Evolved. I find it rather interesting that only two days from now will be the 1-month anniversary of Halo 3‘s release.

Another Halo Comic Strip #6 – Nostalgia: Evolved